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Wyre Forest Crematorium wins prestigious award

Left to right: Ian Wilson and Phil Howl from the architects, Howl Associates; Christian White, project manager at Baggaley Construction and Alan Lathbury, head of business development for Dignity receiving the RIBA Award

Wyre Forest Crematorium wins prestigious award

Wyre Forest Crematorium, Dignity's facility in Worcestershire has won an award from the Royal Institute of British Architects. The Crematorium was named as one of the 75 buildings across the UK to pick up a regional winner award for 2012. As part of the judging process, experts visited the building to talk to clients and users and to assess the design excellence.

Councillor Ian Hardiman, Wyre Forest District Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Well-being said: "Many congratulations to the architects, Howl Associates, and Dignity plc, our partners in this project. When we set out to bring a new crematorium and cemetery to the district we wanted a building that would meet the different needs of the bereaved and provide a fitting environment for any type of funeral. It is great to hear the experts are impressed with the outcome."

The judges praised the degree of architectural ambition and the way the architects responded to the challenge and produced a distinctive response.

They said: "A complex and ambitious composition has created spaces that have real serenity and gravitas. Great care has been taken with high level clerestory light, particularly around the wedge-shaped chapel. With thought and consideration the architect leaves with us a building that stands scrutiny from all sides."

The crematorium and cemetery is the result of a partnership between Wyre Forest District Council and Dignity.

Steve Gant, Dignity's general manager for crematoria said: "We are delighted that the crematorium has won such a prestigious award and I am thrilled that the state-of-the-art design by Howl Associates has been recognised. Dignity and Wyre Forest District Council have formed a very effective partnership and the crematorium and cemetery will provide the local community with the very best facilities and services for many years."

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