Funeral Directors in Stanwell

Serving Stanwell and the wider community, our local funeral directors have years of experience, as well as in-depth knowledge of the local area to confidently arrange your loved one's funeral.

Our two nearest funeral homes to Stanwell are T H Sanders & Sons in Ashford and F Smith & Sons in Staines. From personalised procession routes to unique hearses and limousines, our funeral directors have extensive experience in organising anything from simple, unattended funerals to bespoke services and ceremonies.

To start planning a funeral, or for further advice and guidance, please get in touch and we will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Our Stanwell Funeral Directors offer:

  • Experience in planning all sorts of funerals – traditional, modern, religious and more
  • The option of both attended and unattended funerals
  • High-quality facilities and a peaceful chapel of rest
  • In-depth knowledge of local crematoria and burial sites
  • A wide range of alternative coffins, hearses, urns and more at an additional cost
  • Memorials and tributes available at an additional cost
  • Prepaid funeral plans

Frequently asked questions

  • When someone dies, the first steps will depend on how and where the person passed away. Our step-by-step guides will walk you through the practical steps. For additional support and personal advice, please get in touch with us.

  • Third party funeral costs are additional charges which we will manage for you and attach to your single invoice. Get in touch with us to confirm costs and plan a funeral to fit your budget.

  • You don't have to make an appointment at our funeral homes. However, doing so will ensure that someone can be available to cater to your needs. When arranging a funeral, our Funeral Directors are happy to visit you in your own home, if required.

  • If you choose to arrange the funeral with us, you will be given the option of a complimentary Funeral Notice. We will set it up for you using the details discussed during the arrangements. All we need is an email address.

  • A pallbearer is one of usually four or six people who carry, or help transport, the coffin, throughout the stages of a funeral. Coffins are often moved on wheeled biers; but bearers are still needed.

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