Chiu Cheung Nin.
A service to celebrate his life will take place on Thursday 18th January 2024 at Wilton Funeral home, 334 Ravenhill Road, BT6 8GL at 9am followed by committal at Roselawn Crematorium at 10-40am.
我們將於2024年1月18日星期四,上午9時在Willon Funeral Home (334 Ravenhill Road, BT6 8GL),為她舉辦追思會,及後10時40分於Roselawn進行葬禮。 誠摯邀請您與我們一起追思懷念他老人家,並向您獻上最深的敬意,感謝您的關懷、慰問,謝謝!
Thursday 18th January 2024, 9:00am
Branch - Wilton Funeral Service, 334 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, County Antrim, BT6 8GL
Thursday 18th January 2024, 10:40am
Roselawn Crematorium, 129 Ballygowan Road, Belfast, BT5 7TZ
If arrangements change
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