Funeral conducted by H C Patrick & Co Funeral Directors
86/87 East Street, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7TP
01252 714884

Mr Arthur Cross

8th June 1936 - 10th August 2023

No flowers please

Please make charitable donations to
The Scout Association

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Mr Arthur Cross of Alton, Hampshire died peacefully at Westlands Care Home, Four Marks on 10th August 2023.  He was 87 years old and was married to Marion for 60 years in March of this year.

Cremation on 12th September at 12.30pm at Chichester Crematorium.  

Please contact Julie.voice@icloud.com if you wish to attend as numbers may be limited
No flowers please.  Donations to The Scout Association




Tuesday 12th September 2023, 12:30pm


Chichester Crematorium, Westhampnett Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7UH

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