Funeral conducted by Frederick W Paine Funeral Directors
265 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7AA
020 8399 2060

Mr Sidney Hopkins

15th April 1932 - 18th November 2023

Family flowers only please

Please make charitable donations to
Born Too Soon Fund

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It is with great sadness to announce that Sidney Arthur Hopkins passed away on Saturday 18th of November aged 91.
Sidney will be sorely missed by all those who know and love him.

If you are unable to attend The Service but still wish to join us in remembering Sidney, details to watch the service are as follows

https://www.wesleymedia.co.uk/webcast-view  Event Number 1279351 Webcast Login Pin 377-6251

We warmly ask for close friends and family to join us after the service for refreshments.




Monday 18th December 2023, 11:45am


Randalls Park Crematorium & Cemetery, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0AG

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