Funeral conducted by Gordon Barber Funeral Directors
Church Lane, Eaton, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6NZ
01603 456250

Mrs Edith Maud Lappage

8th April 1947 - 19th October 2023

No flowers please

Please make charitable donations to
British Heart Foundation

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It is with deep sadness that we anounce the death of Dee. She passed away peacefully on 19th October.
We know that Dee will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.

Funeral service to take place at Waveney Crematorium, Beccles, on Tuesday 14th November at 11.00 am.

We request family flowers only, please, but donations in lieu, if desired, may be made to: British Heart Foundation, and given either:
via the just giving link at the bottom of this page, or:
sent c/o Gordon Barber Funeral Home, Church Lane, Eaton, Norwich NR4 6NZ




Tuesday 14th November 2023, 11:00am


Waveney Memorial Park & Crematorium, Warrens Lane, Benacre Road, Ellough, Beccles, NR34 7XE

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