59 Kensington Place
St Helier

Our Tailored Funeral

Our Tailored Funeral provides a truly personal service, delivered to the highest standards and arranged to meet your exact requirements. This way, you get to say goodbye to your loved one in the manner that means the most to you.

Whether you decide upon a burial or a cremation, Our Tailored Funeral ensures the most personalised service, which can be as reflective of your loved one's life as you wish.

Call 24 hours a day on 01534 733330
Our Tailored Funeral by Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors

Our Service to You

Our team of Funeral Directors and arrangers is available to support you during this difficult time. We will ensure you have our professional help and guidance when it comes to deciding how you want your loved one's funeral to proceed.

With Our Tailored Funeral the choices are up to you, so you can have as little or as much input on the arrangements as you are comfortable with. Whether you want a traditional service, in a church or at a crematorium, or you have your mind set on something a little more unique, such as a colourful celebration of your loved one's life, perhaps with an alternative or customised Hearse, our team will use their funeral expertise to make it happen.

While in our care, your loved one will always be treated with respect and continually attended to, as they rest in our climate-controlled mortuary. They will be dressed in the clothing of your choice, or, if you prefer, a simple gown, and available to visit in our private chapel of rest at an agreed time.

Along with the complete freedom of choice in how you say your final goodbye, Our Tailored Funeral also provides a standard Hearse, which will bear your loved one along a personalised route to the place of the service and committal. Any musical choices during the service can be organised by us, and we will also coordinate floral tributes, obituaries and memorial masonry, as required.

Our aftercare service ensures that once the day of the funeral has passed, you can still access professional guidance and advice on all associated matters, including legal concerns, when you them.

The price includes a coffin with lining and fittings. However, for an additional cost, you are free to choose an alternative from our comprehensive range of coffins and caskets.

Estimated Funeral Cost

Cost for cremation only. For information on burials, please call us.

  • Our Tailored Funeral£3,795
  • Total Cost with any additional options£3,795

Our Tailored Funeral at a Glance:

  • The choice of a cremation or burial, along with a service, tailored to the way you want it
  • Your loved one cared for by our team of compassionate and respectful funeral experts
  • Traditional, contemporary or altogether unique - we will make the type of funeral you want happen
  • Personal, face-to-face guidance and advice throughout the whole arrangement process, with one of our friendly and understanding arrangers
  • Your loved one brought into our care and looked after by our fully-trained team
  • Preparation, collection and distribution of all relevant documentation, liaison with the necessary third parties, and management of external payments to enable the funeral to legally proceed
  • Price includes our Corbiere coffin, with lining and fittings, which can be upgraded to a coffin or casket from our available range
  • An appointed Funeral Director will be with you throughout the entire process, from arrangement, through to the day of the funeral and afterwards, providing support and comfort at all times.

Service Details

Find out more about Our Tailored Funeral and what it entails:

Our Service

Our Service

Our Tailored Funeral allows you to choose how you remember the life of your loved one. However you want to say goodbye, we will work together with you to ensure that, on the day, your wishes are met. The team at our Jersey funeral home will handle all of the arrangements, while providing the highest standard of care to your loved one, so that you can be sure that on the date of your choice, everything will run smoothly.

To arrange Our Tailored Funeral for your loved one, speak to a funeral arranger or director at our St Helier funeral home.
Our Range of Coffins and Caskets

Our Range of Coffins and Caskets

Our Service provides a suitable coffin, however you can choose from our wide range of coffins in our collection at an additional cost.

Our Casket Collection

Made from quality materials in both wood and metal, our choice of caskets are available in a range of traditional and contemporary styles
The Heavenly White from Our Casket Collection
The Heavenly White
A pure white, solid poplar casket, with wooden swing handles and a white crepe interior. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums
The Golden Leaf Oak from Our Casket Collection
The Golden Leaf Oak
Made from solid oak, with a topaz satin finish, this casket comes with wooden swing bar handles and a tan crepe interior. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums
The Michelangelo Poplar from Our Casket Collection
The Michelangelo Poplar
Panelled with depictions of 'The Last Supper', this solid poplar casket has wooden swing bar handles, a tan crepe interior and a high quality, golden dunes gloss finish. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums

Our Classic Collection

Solid wood coffins, ornately crafted to create an air of elegant distinction. British-made and available in both light and dark woods, they include a plush interior and quality fittings
The Opal from Our Classic Collection
The Opal
Solid hardwood in an oak finish, with six antiquated bronze effect handles completing the look of this coffin, along with the lace-edged satin interior. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums
The Royale
Crafted from solid hardwood and rendered in an oak finish, this coffin has six brass finish handles and an interior suite made from satin with a lace edging. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums
The Sapphire from Our Classic Collection
The Sapphire
A solid hardwood coffin with a gloss mahogany finish, complemented by six bronze effect handles and a tufted satin interior with lace edging. Not suitable for cremation at some crematoriums

Our Natural Collection

An ethically sourced, biodegradable range of eco coffins, crafted from cardboard, bamboo and willow. Sustainable materials are used to ensure an environmentally friendly choice
Willow Coffin from Our Natural Collection
The Willow
Hand-woven natural willow, bound by skilled weavers and completed by rope and seagrass handles, along with unbleached linings and natural fastenings, to create a coffin that is 100% biodegradable

Our Traditional Collection

Traditional coffins made from traditional materials by our own craftsperson at our East Yorkshire facility in England. All coffins meet the requirements for cremation or burial
The Corbiere from our Traditional Collection
The Corbiere
A dark walnut-effect satin finish coffin, offset by silver effect ornamentation featuring Fleur-de-Lys style handles. Fitted with a white taffeta ruched frill interior
The Rozel from our Traditional Collection
The Rozel
Teak effect, with a satin finish, this coffin has brass effect, Fleur-de-Lys style handles, and an interior of white taffeta, pleated at the top
The Sorel from our Traditional Collection
The Sorel
An oak veneer finish and brass-effect furnishings make for a traditional-styled coffin, complete with a quilted, white satin interior and lace edging
The Archirondel from our Traditional Collection
The Archirondel
A mature-grained, oak-finished solid hardwood coffin, with brass-effect metal fittings, including angel wing screws, and lace-edged, white satin interior
Windsor Coffin
The Windsor
A premium light oak-effect satin finish, with gold-effect ornate fleur-de-lys style handles.

Our Hearses

As the vehicle that will bear your loved one to their final resting place, the hearse is the focal point of the funeral cortege. For that reason alone, we ensure that our hearses run smoothly and are of the highest standard in appearance.

We will provide one of our chauffeur-driven hearses to carry the coffin to the funeral service, crematorium or place of committal. Depending upon the type of service you choose, we can personalise the route of this final journey to take in locations that, during life, may have had a specific meaning to your loved one.

A motorised hearse is included in the price of the funeral, but we also have the capacity, at an additional cost, to offer horse-drawn hearses. To find out more, speak to one of the team at Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors.

Our Limousines

We have a fleet of funeral limousines available for use by you and your immediate family, and, if desired, extended family and friends. Built to the highest specifications and professionally maintained to ensure continual service, our chauffer-driven limousines provide a comfortable and dignified method by which to travel to your loved one's funeral.

Dependent upon the style of vehicle, our funeral cars are usually capable of carrying a maximum of between seven and nine mourners. It is traditional for immediate family to take the first and, if necessary, second limousine, with other family and friends using any additional cars or following on in their own vehicles.

To find out more about our funeral limousines, speak to one of the team at our Jersey funeral home today.
Our Range of Urns

Our Range of Urns

From the traditional to the contemporary, through to the eco friendly, the cremation urns within our range provide a decorative and respectful choice for keeping your loved one's ashes safe. Take a look at the urns and scatter tubes we have to offer. There are more options available in our brochure, call us for more information or a copy.

Natural Ashes Containers

Environmentally-friendly ashes containers made to the highest standards from sustainable and biodegradable materials.
Woven Willow Ashes Container from our Natural Ashes Containers collection
Willow Ashes Container

Scatter Tubes

Made from 90% recycled materials and available in a range of appealing designs, our scatter tubes are suitable for the use of scattering ashes, burying in the ground, or as a simple keepsake to remember your loved one by.
Small Scatter Tube Options
Scatter Tube Small
Scatter Tube Large Options
Scatter Tube Large
Scatter Tube Medium Options
Scatter Tube Medium
Scatter Tube Token Options
Scatter Tube Token

Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket

A selection of traditionally-designed urns and caskets, providing a dignified final resting place for your loved one's ashes.
The Richmond from our Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket collection
The Richmond
The Wessex from our Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket collection
The Wessex
The Mardale from our Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket collection
The Mardale
£180 (stock in two wood shades)
The Riverside from our Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket collection
The Riverside
The Dorchester from our Traditional Urns and Ashes Casket collection
The Dorchester

Additional Services

We are always available to discuss any of the additional services, along with their corresponding fees, that are listed here. You can visit our Jersey funeral home or, alternatively, call us on
to find out more. It is also possible to add in further options, such as floral tributes and memorials, which you can discuss with our funeral arranger or read more about below.

Essential Third Party Costs

Additional costs need to be paid to various third parties in order for Our Tailored Funeral to take place. Find out what these are and why they are necessary:



We will help you create a dignified and personalised funeral.

Although our prices include all that we do to ensure you and your loved one receive the greatest of care, there are also third party costs, which are supplementary to the overall price.

Known as disbursements, these may include fees that are payable to the crematorium and to the minister or celebrant. The payment of these external costs will be managed by us, along with the coordination of all the documents required to legally allow your loved one's funeral to proceed. Details of the third party costs are included upon your invoice.

Select a tab to find out more about some common disbursements. For information regarding the third party costs for a burial, call us on

Example Third Party Costs

  • Crematorium Cost£900
  • Celebrant or Minister Fee£275
  • Total essential third party costs£1175

Minister or Celebrant

The cremation service will usually be taken by a funeral celebrant or a minister. They will address the congregation and, if requested, provide a eulogy to your loved one. Costs can vary.

We can offer guidance on choosing a suitable minister or celebrant to preside over your loved one's funeral service, but you are equally welcome to use somebody you already have a preference for.

Popular choices to lead a cremation service are:

  • Religious leaders

  • Civil celebrants

  • Humanist celebrants

  • Friends or members of the family

Optional Costs

Optional extras can be added to make your loved one's funeral even more personal, find out more below:



With our Traditional Funeral, you are not limited to what's included in the price when it comes to personalising the final goodbye to your loved one. Every funeral is different in one way or another, with even the smallest of details helping to make it a little more special.

There are optional extras, which, for an additional cost, we can arrange, so that you have the assurance that everything is being taken care of at this difficult time. The tabs here cover the most common optional costs, but the choices are entirely up to you.

Our table provides examples of what some families decide upon, along with the average* of what is spent on each in the UK. To speak to one of our team about additional items or services, call

Example of Optional Funeral Costs

*Data based on UK averages in the SunLife Cost of Dying report 2020

  • Our Embalming Services£195
  • Our Limousines£220
  • Reception into the Church/ home prior to the funeral service£465
  • Crucifix£16
  • Hardwood Grave Cross£150
  • Service/ Hymn SheetsPOA
  • Attendance/ Memory CardsPOA


Taking the time to remember your loved one is an important part of the healing process. Many of our families find that a memorial dedicated to their loved one helps to focus their thoughts and bring a degree of comfort at an otherwise difficult time.

We can help you to choose the right funeral memorial for your loved one and arrange to have it made and, where necessary, installed. Options for a memorial to your loved one include:

  • Headstones

  • Cremation memorials

  • Plaques

  • Ashes jewellery

  • Cremation urns

  • Memorial benches

Speak to one of the team at Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors about a memorial for your loved one. Call us on

Floral Tributes

Funeral wreaths, coffin sprays and other floral tributes are still a traditional feature at funerals, even though a lot of people now choose to make a charitable donation instead.

A visually compassionate way by which you can express your love for the one you have lost, funeral flowers come in a variety of arrangements, such as:

  • Funeral wreaths

  • Floral arrangements

  • Coffin sprays

  • Casket sprays

We are here to help you choose a suitable floral tribute to your loved one. To discuss your options, call our Jersey funeral home on

Order Sheets and Service Cards

The Order of Service provides you and the congregation with a schedule of how the funeral will proceed, and will include the sequence of hymns and music, along with readings, the eulogy and the committal.

It is often handed out as the mourners arrive at the venue and can be anything from an Order Sheet or Service Card, to a short booklet. These can be made more distinctive with photographs and meaningful quotes to offer a more personal reflection of your loved one. Many choose to keep their Order of Service, treasuring them along with the other special memories and mementos of a life sadly passed.

Whether in the form of an Order Sheet, Service Card or booklet, we can help you to decide upon an Order of Service from the options available to you. To find out more about the choices you have, call our funeral home on Jersey.