Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors, Jersey

Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors are here to support you if a loved one has just passed away and you need help arranging the funeral. We offer a range of funerals to suit your needs. You can find out more below or give us a call to discuss.

About our Jersey Funeral Home

With a team of experienced funeral professionals at your service, you can be certain your loved one will receive the highest standard of funeral care. At Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors in Jersey, we pride ourselves on the service we offer our community, ensuring families like yours have a compassionate and reliable Funeral Directors to turn to.

Intrinsically linked with the island, Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors has a long and rich history, having served the people of Jersey in one form or another since the 1800s. Our expert team of Funeral Directors, themselves with more than half a century's worth of experience between them, will look after your loved one with care and respect and provide the support you need at this difficult time.

From our Jersey funeral home we serve families throughout the twelve parishes, covering all parts of the island. If you would prefer us to visit you at home or at another location of your choice, we are always happy to do so.

Repatriation services

Pitcher & Le Quesne offers a repatriation service, ensuring your loved one is brought back to their home soil, safely and with care. Whether it is for a private individual or on behalf of an insurance company, we arrange the return to Jersey, collecting your loved one ourselves and bringing them back by sea, handling the necessary paperwork along the way.

With three funeral options available, we will arrange a send off for your loved one that meets your personal requirements. Whether you wish for a traditional or a more contemporary service, or even an unattended cremation, there is a package to suit you. To find out more about our funeral options, speak to one of our caring team.

To speak with one of our Jersey Funeral Directors, or a professional funeral adviser, call us on 01534 733330 any time of the day or night.

What we offer

  • Expert advice and guidance
  • A compassionate and friendly service
  • Repatriation to and from Jersey for your loved one
  • A funeral tailored to the needs of you and your family
  • Comprehensive local knowledge of the 12 parishes
  • Professional funeral arrangement, wherever you are on Jersey

Our funeral services

  • Our Unattended Cremation

    We will help you arrange a simple funeral consisting of a direct cremation without mourners present.
    Our Unattended Cremation allows friends and family to commemorate your loved one in their own way. Our expert Funeral Directors will provide all necessary care, while offering advice and support every step of the way. A cremation will then be carried out without mourners present, overseen by one of our qualified attendants.
    Find out more
    (Includes cost of cremation, doctors fees, transportation to the crematorium and scattering of cremated remains).
    (Includes cost of cremation, doctors fees, transportation to the crematorium and scattering of cremated remains).
    Our Unattended Cremation

    Our Unattended Cremation

    We will help you arrange a simple funeral consisting of a direct cremation without mourners present.
    (Includes cost of cremation, doctors fees, transportation to the crematorium and scattering of cremated remains).
    (Includes cost of cremation, doctors fees, transportation to the crematorium and scattering of cremated remains).
    Our Unattended Cremation allows friends and family to commemorate your loved one in their own way. Our expert Funeral Directors will provide all necessary care, while offering advice and support every step of the way. A cremation will then be carried out without mourners present, overseen by one of our qualified attendants.
    Our Unattended Cremation
    Find Out More
  • Our Simple Funeral

    A complete funeral service at a lower cost, arranged and conducted by one of our expert Funeral Directors.
    A simpler funeral, with a limited range of choices, but never a compromise on the quality of service delivered.
    Find out more
    Direct to Crematorium or Cemetery (Included).
    Direct to Crematorium or Cemetery (Included).
    Our Simple Funeral

    Our Simple Funeral

    A complete funeral service at a lower cost, arranged and conducted by one of our expert Funeral Directors.
    Direct to Crematorium or Cemetery (Included).
    Direct to Crematorium or Cemetery (Included).
    A simpler funeral, with a limited range of choices, but never a compromise on the quality of service delivered.
    Our Simple Funeral
    Find Out More
  • Our Tailored Funeral

    Our Tailored Funeral lets you say goodbye to your loved one how you want and when you want.
    Create a completely personal celebration of your loved one's life, delivered with expertise and compassion and overseen and supported at every stage by one of our specially trained Funeral Directors.
    Find out more
    Our Tailored Funeral

    Our Tailored Funeral

    Our Tailored Funeral lets you say goodbye to your loved one how you want and when you want.
    Create a completely personal celebration of your loved one's life, delivered with expertise and compassion and overseen and supported at every stage by one of our specially trained Funeral Directors.
    Our Tailored Funeral
    Find Out More
  • Our Memorials

    Choose from a variety of options, including headstones and urns to memorial plaques, vases, statues, jewellery and plenty more. With a Memorial, you can create a tribute that especially reflects the life, love and cherished memories of your loved one.
    Find out more
    plus £- (There’s a wide range available and the price is dependent on product).
    plus £- (There’s a wide range available and the price is dependent on product).
    Our Memorials

    Our Memorials

    Choose from a variety of options, including headstones and urns to memorial plaques, vases, statues, jewellery and plenty more. With a Memorial, you can create a tribute that especially reflects the life, love and cherished memories of your loved one.
    plus £- (There’s a wide range available and the price is dependent on product).
    plus £- (There’s a wide range available and the price is dependent on product).

Where to find us


59 Kensington Place
St Helier

Directions and Parking

You can find our funeral home on Kensington Place, close to Grand Jersey Hotel & Spa by The Esplanade.

If you need advice on where to park, please give us a call and we will be able to help you.

Funeral Home Opening Times

Outside of normal hours, visits can be made by appointment only.
Day of the WeekHours
Monday09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:00
Thursday09:00 - 17:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00

24 Hour Availability

Outside of our funeral home’s opening times, we are available 24 hours a day by phone.
Call 24 hours on 01534 733330

Frequently asked questions

  • You don't have to make an appointment at our funeral homes. However, doing so will ensure that someone can be available to cater to your needs. When arranging a funeral, our Funeral Directors are happy to visit you in your own home, if required.

  • Third party funeral costs are additional charges which we will manage for you and attach to your single invoice. Get in touch with us to confirm costs and plan a funeral to fit your budget.

  • We are a member of the National Association of Funeral Directors and as such we abide by The Funeral Director Code. We also have a legal obligation to try and ensure the person who is arranging a funeral has the right to do so, or has permission from those who do.

    If you are aware that someone has been appointed as the administrator, you should only arrange the funeral with this person's agreement.

    If there is no Will or Letters of Administration, then the responsibility would pass to the next of kin.

  • A Memorial is a way of creating a lasting memory to help remember a loved one.

  • Dignity has been established for over 200 years and is one of the UK's leading providers of Funerals and with an 'Excellent' Trustpilot rating (02/24). We are proud to help our customers every year with a diverse range of Memorial products and services to help remember their loved ones.

  • We offer a wide range of products – from traditional headstones, kerb sets, urns and benches to remembrance trees, plaques and vases. We also offer more personal and modern options such as jewellery, pin badges and photo related memorial products. As well as completely customised items.To organise your Memorial contact us on

  • When someone dies, the first steps will depend on how and where the person passed away. For additional support and personal advice, please get in touch with us and we can help you through these very first steps.